Homemade Anti Aging
To lighten dark circles under your eyes, wrap a grated raw potato in cheesecloth and apply to eyelids for 15-20 minutes. Wipe off residue and apply an eye cream.
Grape Cleanser Recipe
Grape juice makes an excellent cleanser for any skin type. Simply split one or two large grapes, remove pits and rub the flesh over face and neck. Rinse off with cool water.
Banana Wrinkle Fighter Recipe
Banana is wonderful as an anti-wrinkle treatment. Mash ¼ bananas until very creamy. Spread all over face and leave for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water followed by a dash of cold. Gently pat dry.
Facial Exfoliator Recipe
Combine 2 heaping tsp oatmeal and 1 tsp baking soda and add enough water to make a paste. Apply to skin and rub gently. Pat dry.
Egg & Honey Mask Recipe
Mix together 1 tablespoon honey, 1 egg yolk, ½ teaspoon almond oil and 1 tablespoon yogurt. Honey stimulates and smoothes, egg and almond oil penetrate and moisturize, and yogurt refines and tightens pores.
Avocado Facial Recipe
Avocado is a natural rich moisturizer. Mash the meat of the avocado into a creamy texture. Massage into the face and neck. Leave on for 15 minutes and gently rinse off.
Tomato Facial Mask Recipe
If you have normal skin it can be enriched by Tomato Facial Mask. First, cut a small sized raw tomato into 2 halves and gently rub both halves on your face in circular motion. Then after leaving it for some time you have to rinse your face completely. Tone and moisturize.
Homemade Refreshing Egg White Face Mask Recipe
Applying egg white mask can really improve your skin tone. First, massage egg white all over your face. Then you have to wait a few minutes and then you can rinse your skin thoroughly. Tone and moisturize. This egg white mask will make you feel that your pores are taut and refreshed.
Natural Peachy Honey Face Mask Recipe
Apart from its great taste, Peachy Honey Mask creates magic on your face. Mash 1 large skinned peach (or nectarine) and 3 tsp honey together. If you do not have a workable paste add 2 tablespoons yogurt. Pat evenly over your face and neck and around your eyes. Lie back and relax. After 10 minutes, rinse well with warm water. Tone and moisturize.
Using homemade skin care recipes can give you the best results over time. So, stay home, stay warm and cozy and enjoy these homemade beauty recipes with ingredients right from your kitchen!
Source: thegloss
I have never use such anti aging facial, but I think this weekend I should try it.Stem Cell Therapies